Stoner quotes
stoner quotes
Tim Stoner quotes,Tim, Stoner, author, authors, writer, writers, people, famous people
I have the experience, that me and my mates are talking alot of Bullshit while we are stoned Lets share this experience: Friend of StonerS: dude what would you do, if you can
Stoner Quotes And Sayings . stonerquotesandsayings.blogspo⦠â" You know all those musicians who made all that great music that's enhanced your lives throughout the years?
Stoners are a subculture of teenage boys who use their parents' money to buy marijuana, which they then smoke in their parents' basements with their dumb little buddies while
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Kristin Stoner quotes,Kristin, Stoner, author, authors, writer, writers, people, famous people
I sent this email to my entire friends list this weekend and have gotten over 30 replies, so I thought we could all play:Answer the triva and post your own quote:Example:"Littering
Justin Stoner quotes,Justin, Stoner, author, authors, writer, writers, people, famous people
Well I was looking for some famous stoner quotes and I found a page full of different quotes. Here ya go. Mark Twain is one of my favorites. So is
Originally Posted by FAT SPLIFF ever think about how fucking telephones work?. its werid shit man. funny shit dude!!! I want more!
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