Obama dog choice

obama dog choice
Obama Family Dog Adoption Choice To keep track of our most recent forum postings in your news reader, please add this link: Dog and Puppy Forums RSS/XML News Feeds
The election is not over for museum visitors weighing in on what President-elect Barack Obama calls a "major issue" for his transition: selecting the first dog.
Audio: ⢠Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett ⢠Jill DeGrave of the Wisconsin Humane Society. The first family has chosen its first dog, or at least what breed the dog will be.
Jan. 11) - The Obamas have whittled the field down to two dog breeds in their search for a dog for daughters Malia and Sasha, the president-elect revealed Sunday.
On the Obama family's dog pick (The Washington Post): WASHINGTON | It is a decision of national concern, complicated by symbolism and the medical welfare of children, by
AP Poll: Americans Want Obama To Get A Mutt (1/14/2009) Biden To Bring 2nd Puppy To White House (12/20/2008) 'First Dogs' Exhibit Puts Obama Pet Choice To Test (11/25/2008) Obama
14 January 2009 Washington, D.C.-- In a stunning move covered by all major news outlets, the Obamas have finally decided on a family dog, a decision which is being called by
to be very attractive and well-natured and continued to be bred as a companion dog. You can read more on designer dogs such as the Labradoodle here. For more on the Obama Dog Choice
The Obama Family dog choice has been narrowed down to the Portuguese Water Dog (left) or the Labradoodle (right). (AP) - A week from today, the Obamas move into the White House
(Jan. 11) - The Obamas have whittled the field down to two dog breeds in their search for a dog for daughters Malia and Sasha, the president-elect revealed Sunday. "The seem to
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