Carbonite quest helper
carbonite quest helper
Up until today i was using Quest helper. QH uses about 61mb (that was last count) and Carb only uses max of 7mb. Plus for $14 A YEAR, you have an awsome addon..
WoW quest helper add on---NEW HELPER You are probably running Carbonite Quest (it doesn't have the guide).
I hate Quest Helper and really liked Carbonite quest. I wish I wouldn't have unistalled it first before knowing! I'll try the carbonite site but I liked curse client for
Only today did I hear from someone else that Carboniteaddon has something called "Quest Helper." I'm having tremendous problems with "Lightheaded," and I want something that works
World of Warcraft Interfaces, Skins, Addons, Mods community. Sorry, this is not a valid link any more. Its possible that this file was deleted or you followed a bad link.
the author a sense of pride for many reasons, releasing something that will help And what exactly is carbonite quest doing that you don't like? _____
Questhelper helping you in all the zones > Carbonite only helping you in Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord. Don't even try to deny this, you'll only make yourself look bad.
Our extensive quest database lists the location of quest givers, objectives and turn-ins. Simply click any objective from your quest list and Carbonite will show
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there is no competition guys quest helper is ugly, unfriendly and makes fps go cry Carbonite is my best friend in the north
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